Thursday, October 25, 2012

I Just Don't Know...

...well, a lot of things.  I'm at one of those points on the Education StairMaster when I have an inkling of just how ill-informed I am.  Like I told a professor a few weeks ago, "I feel like I know just enough to be blatantly ignorant."

But I digress.

Today, what I just don't know is how it's all going to get DONE.  The classwork.  The reading assignments. Let me give you the run-down of what I currently have hanging over my head before next Tuesday (because my life seems to revolve around Tuesdays now).

Heritage in Anthropology:
-Two journal articles to read
-Short response paper to compose and submit

Native American Art History:
-Two journal articles to read
-Memorize the artist and time period for ~60 artifacts
-Study for exam on Thursday

Theory in Ethnology:
-Read four journal articles for class Tuesday (which I will be co-facilitating)
-Come up with a facilitation outline, handout, and discussions questions for class
-Map out and begin writing paper due in a week.
-This is a three-hour seminar.  It can be brutal.

In addition to normal classwork:
-Meet with Heritage profs to confirm a topic for my term paper.
-Begin reading and writing for said paper.
-Begin reading some of my 15+ journal articles on Northwest Coast art for a ~20 page term paper for art.
-Begin thinking of topics for theory final paper.

Ah yes, and I work 18-30 hours every week.  *headdesk*

As you can see, there is a reason they only let grad students take three classes.  It's enough to drown them.  On top of this, I would kind of like to have a "life."  This life is fairly simple - I just want to go to bed before midnight, spend about an hour practicing the piano every Thursday, maybe go to a church activity once in a while, and go on a hike a few times a month.  Really, I don't feel like I'm asking for a whole lot here.

This first semester has been awful.  I've never hated school before, so this loathing to go to class and get through all the homework is an entirely new sensation.  Also, I've always made good grades.  Getting put through the wringer again in an attempt to squeeze out a proper writer was something I thought I had left in high school, because that was honestly the last time anyone said much about my formal writing skills, and I was an English minor. (See preceding run-on sentence for confirmation.) Yes, accepting criticism is something foreign to me as well.

Somehow, every week, it all gets done.  Somehow, every month, the bills get paid.  Somehow, I still haven't gone crazy.  (At least, I think I haven't.  You may have to ask my housemate.)  But despite the proof that I always manage to DO it all, I wonder the same thing every week: how on earth am I going to get it all DONE??