Monday, December 16, 2013

'Tis The Season

My sister (you can follow her exploits here  looked at my blog a few weeks ago and reminded me that I haven't published anything since summer.  Of course I haven't - I've been juggling full time grad school, work, docent work, and two church callings since late August.  But since my third semester of school is FINALLY over, I can post again.

I really love Christmas.  I really, really love Christmas.  I love to sing along with my Bing Crosby White Christmas CD for the 5th time in a row, I love to wear a Santa hat, I love to wrap presents, I love to be overly bubbly and kind and wish everyone happy holidays.  I'm probably a bit annoying, just like other people doing these things, but just know - we are happy, are we are trying to share it.

I have worked retail during Christmas for about 6 years altogether, and it doesn't get me down.  For me, the thing that puts more of a damper on the Christmas season than anything else is school.  I arrive at the end of finals on the 12th of December an absolute wreck.  I can't think straight.  My stress acne is acting up.  My blood sugar is a disaster.  My laundry hasn't been washed in two weeks.  There are dirty dishes all over my bedroom, along with piles of books and articles that I have been feverishly looking through.  My roommate is getting sick of me not washing my dishes, and of leaving my junk all over the place.  All I can manage to do is curl up in my bed and let anthropology ooze out my ears until I have slept it off.

Putting my life back together afterwards takes at least a week, and attempting to do so while suddenly realizing that Christmas is in 2 weeks causes more panic and stress.  I have not sent out cards.  I have no packages to send to my family or friends.  And for some reason all the more tragic - my apartment has not been decorated.  Having grown up in a house where Christmas decorations were a sacred procedure and something that stayed around from the first of December until midway through January, having not a scrap of tinsel up is frankly upsetting.

But as of today - it's done!  The packages are ready to ship.  I have sent out all my Christmas cards except one, and the apartment is decorated!  It's not AS decorated as I would have liked - t
he mobile of snowflakes above the kitchen table is not going to happen.  The giant turquoise snowflake is not going to get made.  But I'm all right with it.  It looks beautiful and festive as I could make it on my student budget, and I'm going to sit back and enjoy it.

Before.  The horror, the horror.

After: festively flocked.
Yes, I am an inverted tomato cage.

My stocking hanging on the "fireplace."

Wise men bringing gifts.

Thank you, Pinterest, for ruining my life. Sorry, saving.

Indoor snowstorm, in blue.

 Now I am going to sit back and enjoy a mug of hot chocolate and try this Christmas thing a bit more slowly for the next week and a half.