Monday, February 11, 2013


With Valentines just around the corner, my roommate had an awesome idea.  I mean a TRULY awesome idea that she should probably win a prize for.  Instead of bemoaning the fact that we're two utterly single (yet pretty much okay with that) 20-somethings with no plans for Valentines, we were going to make the cheesiest Valentines possible and send them to all our family and friends.  And what were we going to use to make these amazing Valentines?  The most logical thing, of course:

Seed catalogs.

That's right, seed catalogs.  As our mania continued, our catalog selection evolved to contain two fall Anthropologie catalogs (my contribution), an ArcGIS catalog, and a Civil Engineering offering.

Following my roommate's utterly genius lead, we soon came up with a handful of utterly terrible vegetable-related pickup lines.  Alas, I neglected to take photos of the cards I made for my family, so I will beg your indulgence in imagining pictures of fruits and vegetables and other garden-related items you might find in Johnny's or Burpee's catalogs.

'Lettuce' have no secrets - you're incredible!
You're not 'jostaberry', you're a 'peach!'
'Shallots' I compare thee to a summer's day?
I don't mean to be a creeper, but you're pretty 'phloxy.'
I'm not your 'stepping stone,' but you can 'walk on me' Valentine!
Did somebody 'turnip' the heat in here, or are you really that 'raddishing?!"

You can see how much was lost by my inability to remember to take photos.  Needless to say, when round two went down last night, I made sure I got the camera out.  I re-used a few of the pickup lines, but as our Burpees catalog was more air than substance at that point, I think I can be forgiven.

Courtesy of my roommate

As you can tell, sheer genius. Happy Valentines to all!

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