Of course, my perfectly fitted top was now two sizes two
small. I may have been able to wear it
when I was ten, or possibly even fifteen when belly shirts were all the
rage. Sadly, my $9 steal could only now
be worn over another shirt, or never again.
Enter Pinterest. The
directions were to soak the clothing in warm water with baby shampoo, they lay
out on a towel and stretch (see full directions here: http://www.onegoodthingbyjillee.com/2012/10/how-to-resize-shrunken-clothes.html ). I figured that baby shampoo sample bottles
were cheap, and as baby shampoo is essentially mild soap, it couldn't damage
poor stripey shirt any further.
I took a before picture, just in case it did work, and then
filled up my bathroom sink with water and Johnson's baby shampoo. As a side note, I will mention that the scent
of plain old baby shampoo wafting from my bathroom was pleasant, and made me
quite happy. After a good long soak
(during which I washed my new black jeans inside out in cold water elsewhere in
the apartment complex), I rolled the shirt in a towel for about five minutes to
get rid of excess water, then laid it out on a clean towel on the floor and
commenced stretching. I stretched if
manually for several minutes, then got some old hardbound books to hold it in
place. After about twenty minutes of
that I restretched manually and left it to finish drying. Bonus: the top smelled like baby too. :) Here are the happy results:
The shirt stretched a good 4'', which may have been a liiiitle more than I should have gone, but I'm not complaining. I have another sweater that shrunk several sizes as well, and I'm planning on unshrinking it when I get some free time.
Gasp! Something on Pinterest worked!
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